Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Tattooed Poets Project: Natasha Head

It's at this point of April, halfway through, when I realize I have too many poets and not enough days. So we're going to try and squeeze some extra poets in when we can.

That said, today's second poet hails from north of the border. Welcome Natasha Head, who sent me two tattoos.

Natasha tells us:
" has dictated my dreams and, it has dictated my tattoos. Add a sense of cheeseball and cherry blossoms, and the inspiration for my designs is a well that is endless.
I was 16 when I first went under the gun...many, many years ago, where I sacrificed my shoulder to the classic and predictable clawing, black panther. It was quick, painful, and the result of flash designs that covered the hole in the wall I had snuck into. They weren't incredibly vigilant in their ID checking.
The evolution of technology and the inevitable aging meant my designs were also able to evolve. Being introduced to an amazing artist didn't hurt either."
Natasha shared this piece:

Natasha adds:
"Erin Pettipas [from Erinink Tattoos in Halifax, Nova Scotia] has helped me realize my two favorite pieces I am sharing here today. A tiger, honoring my favorite poem by William Blake, is also the inspiration for the short poem I've included. And of course, The Raven, designed by Erin. What wannabe poet doesn't have a love for Poe's dark, classic tale?"

Natasha concludes:
"My canvas grows smaller with every new piece, but the desire for fresh ink is as addicting as that blank piece of paper just begging for a pen. The journey is far from over...and I've yet to find a better cover up for age spots."
Here's the aforementioned Blake-inspired poem:

My Tyger

Born in the year of the tiger,
branded by Blake while young.
In the forest of the night, self discovered rage, held in and contained.
No matter how I choose to disfigure this bag of bones,
skin as canvas, a story to tell.
Would you believe I've been through hell,
and still I've strength to sell.
It all comes back to the poetry...
did he who made the lamb make me?

~ ~ ~

Natasha Head is a Canadian Poet presently living & writing in Northern Ontario. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, received a Pushcart Prize nomination and has been featured as the Poem of the Day at the Academy of American Poets. She is presently completing her fourth collection and planning her next tattoo. Her books can be found on her author page on Amazon here. Visit her on Facebook here.
Her website is

Thanks to Natasha for sharing her cool tattoos with us here on Tattoosday's Tattooed Poets Project!

This entry is ©2015 Tattoosday. The poem and tattoos are reprinted with the poet's permission.

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