Friday, April 17, 2015

The Tattooed Poets Project: Annette C. Boehm

Our next tattooed poet is Annette C. Boehm.

She credits both tattoos in this photo to Brian at Hattiesburg Tattoo (Hattiesburg, MS).

Annette explains:
"The Ex Libris tattoo is a 100 year-old book plate design I fell in love with. I like apples a lot: My chapbook The Five Parts of Love has apples on the cover, and my favorite poem (Dylan Thomas' 'Fern Hill') has a line about being the 'prince of the apple towns.' Since I'm also a book-nerd, this seemed like a great choice for a first tattoo.

I'm also into comics: The She-Hulk was a gift to myself for passing my exams (I'm just finishing up my PhD)."
Annette also sent us the following poem, which can be found in The Five Parts of Love:

lithium, lead

tin, magnesium, mercury,
save gold, silver, -
all metals will burn

your voice
the 9 volt block
smoothing down steel
wool into flame

with what eyes
you have me see


Annette C. Boehm is a doctoral candidate at the University of Southern Mississippi. She serves as a poetry reader for Memorious -- A Journal of New Verse and Fiction. Originally from Germany, she's a poet and also a Whovian. She keeps a book blog here:

Thanks to Annette for her contribution to the Tattooed Poets Project on Tattoosday!

This entry is ©2015 Tattoosday. The poem and tattoo are reprinted with the poet's permission.

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