Monday, September 22, 2014

Paulie Wears Gene Proudly on His Sleeve

For quite some time, I have been passing by a street vendor on Wall Street who has been sporting a pretty cool tattoo.

I usually see him around lunch and he's often busy selling sandwiches, so I always balked at bothering him when he was busy.

Finally, a couple weeks back, he had a break and so I introduced myself.

When I told Paulie about the site, he was happy to share this tattoo on his left forearm:

That is, of course, Gene Simmons, the bassist from the band KISS known for many things, including his long tongue.

Why does Gene grace Paulie's arm?
"I've been following KISS for the longest time ... He's like a mentor to me ... what he has, we have something in common ...Gene's always working, always working, even when he's retired, always working to make the money, and I like that."
And what do they have in common? Paulie showed me:

The best part of the story, for me, was finding out who did this tattoo. Paulie told me it was a guy named Siki, aka Siki Boy or Siki the Kid, from Brooklyn, who was coincidentally the artist that did my first tattoo back in 2003.

So if you're walking down on Wall Street and you see a guy with Gene Simmons staring up at you from his arm, say hi to Paulie and buy a sandwich from him. They're pretty damn good!

Thanks to Paulie for sharing this cool tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

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