Sunday, September 7, 2014

Abby Remembers Fressa Pants

Looking back over the summer, I had one remaining post from the day of the Coney Island Mermaid Parade.

I was sitting on the N train, waiting to head back from the beach, when I noticed the woman sitting next to me had this tattoo on her arm:

Of course, I had to introduce myself and ask what this tattoo was about.

The tattoo graces the arm of Abby Bean, a vegan blogger, whose site A (soy) Bean, chronicle some of her culinary adventures.

She explained that FP are the initials of her late dog, Fressa, a Maltese-Shih-Tzu-Toy Poodle mix, who she affectionately called Fressa Pants.

Abby got this tattoo at a vegan tattoo shop called Scapegoat Tattoo in Portland, Oregon.

Thanks to Abby for sharing her tattoo with us here on Tattoosday! Please head over to her blog A (soy) Bean, and check out her adventures!

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