Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sabra's Graduation Gift

Last month I met Sabra outside of Federal Hall on Wall Street.

I immediate noticed her arms, as she had a cow and a pig on her inner arms. Here's the pig:

I'm not showing the cow because she needs it touched up, but I was happy to share the pork map, as it is called.

Why, I wanted to know, did she have these tattoos?

Sabra explained:
"I am a private chef and a butcher ... these are my graduation presents ... to myself.  I graduated from butcher school two years ago and I didn't have the money to do it and I just got them done in the beginning of May. I was just at the Met for the morning and an eighty-year old lady, a volunteer at the gift shop, she was like, 'I just love those tattoos.' She just wanted to talk to me about them and everything -  it was really cool because normally you don't get people that are in their eighties saying 'that's a pretty rad tattoo!' "
She credited this work to Shawn Mahaffey at the Hemlock Collective in Sacramento, California.

Thanks to Sabra for sharing her awesone tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!

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