Sunday, March 9, 2014

Coda: NYC Tattoo Convention at Roseland

Today is the final day for the New York City Tattoo Convention at Roseland Ballroom. Next year, the show will return to May in a new locale, while the old home for the show will be a distant memory, swallowed up by NYC developers.

I spent a long day there yesterday and met a lot of great artists and tattoo enthusiasts. I met up with my old friend Paul, one of Tattoosday's earliest contributors (click his name to see his ink) and we had a nice chat with Jasmine, one of the stars of Tattoo Nightmares.

Jasmine and Paul
Not only did I spend time with the awesome Marisa & Brian from Needles & Sins, but I had a nice chat with Michael McCabe (below right).

McCabe is, among other things, the author of two of the best books on New York City tattooing, one of which New York City Tattoo, has just gone back into print. Check it out and order it here. His other book, also a classic, is Tattooing New York City.

It's hard to get bored with the convention and, thanks to warmer temps on Saturday, there was a lot more tattoos to see than Friday night. I imagine everyone will be out today to give Roseland a final send-off.

Be sure to follow Tattoosday's twitter feed and check back later this week for more tattoos and stories from the show!

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